Thursday, November 25, 2010

Whizzing along with no training wheels!

Miss 5 is the youngest of my four children and has been practicing really hard since her daddy has been patiently teaching her to ride her bike without training wheels, and she has finally mastered it! 
I took her to the local park which has many long paths to ride or walk along.
Taking the camera along was a must, take a picture mummy! take a picture mummy! was all I had been hearing in the lead up to our outing. :O)
Never one to complain about a photo opportunity I gladly packed my camera bag and took it along with us. Needless to say we both had a great morning and I got to enjoy some of the biggest smiles I have seen from Miss 5 ever!

Whizzing along with no training wheels!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog in progress

I have started this blog to follow my journey into life as a photographer. I have been taking photos and  sharing them for as long as I can remember. Isn't it amazing that you can press a button and in a second a moment in time is captured forever. Keeping milestones, favourite people, thoughts and feelings in pictures in print to browse back through anytime you feel like daydreaming about days gone by.

Wedding fever!

This has been the busiest part of my year so far. I have been sewing madly in preparation for my best friends wedding on Saturday! For a while there I had been dreaming of following her down the aisle picking pins from her outfit because I hadn't finished it on time. All that stress turned out to be in vain and her outfit is ready for her to wear!
It will be a quiet garden wedding, surrounded by family and friends.Her daughter (a fellow photographer) and I have been asked to take her photos! This will be my first wedding shoot.....and I am, to say the least a little nervous about the whole experience, as well as being excited at the same time. She has complete faith in both of us that we shall deliver! I shall keep you updated......