Friday, January 7, 2011

A Sneaky Post....hehehe

Just thought I'd sneak in a quick blog post while the kids are watching a movie in the lounge room. I'm sitting on my bed propped up with pillows, enjoying the breeze blowing through the window. The laptop comes in so handy sometimes...
Uh oh, someones coming....knew it was too good to be true!

Master 11 is hungry. I've sent him on his way to go and find a snack in the cupboard. That reminds me, I have couple of pictures of him all dressed and ready for his school Christmas performance. I might add that while I'm in here. He had to dress up as a ventriloquists dummy for his part. 

Miss 5 was there too, all dressed up as a Christmas Angel for her class performance as well. I am so proud of them, they did a wonderful job!

That might do me for today. I think the movie they are watching is coming to an end, judging by the noise I can here coming from out there. Fingers crossed I find a few minutes tomorrow and I will post again! 

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